Sunday, August 4, 2013

Napoleon: Église Saint-Roch - Paris, France

Interesting Places I've Photographed
Église Saint-Roch
Paris, France
Topic: Napoleon

GPS: N48° 51.895; E002° 19.926

Quick Description: 

Église Saint-Roch, located on 284 rue Saint-Honoré in the 1st arrondissement of Paris, was the site of a battle between General Napoleon and the Royalist forces.

Long Description:

On October 5, 1795 (13 Vendémiaire An IV) a battle between the French Revolutionary troops and Royalist forces took place on the steps of Église Saint-Roch in of Paris. The battle bolstered General Napoleon Bonaparte's career.

The anti-clerical aspects of the French Revolution created anti-republican sympathies among many many Roman Catholics. Royalist troops began marching on Paris in early October 1795 and many local supporters began to demonstrate in support of the Royalists. On October 4, 1795 (12 vendémiaire) the republican National Guard arrived in the Le Peletier section of Paris in an attempt to put down the Royalist unrest. Rumors began to circulate that the entire Paris National Guard was likely to defect.

General Napoleon Bonaparte became aware of the unrest and mustered a force in defense of the Republic. Napoleon ordered Joachim Murat, a sous-lieutenant in the 21th Regiment de Chasseurs à Cheval, to ride to the plain of Sablons and to return with the 40 cannon which were located there. Murat's squadron retrieved the cannon and Napoleon placing them in position by the Church of Saint Roch.

A preliminary attack by the royalist forces was repulsed. Five hours later, the major Royalist assault began. The Republican forces held their perimeter by using the cannons to fire grapeshot into the massed Royalist forces. Local patriot battalions supported the artillery, and the Royalist forces were defeated. Napoleon commanded throughout the battle and survived unharmed even though his horse was shot from under him. At the close of the battle, around three hundred Royalists were killed.

An historical marker in front of the church is gives the history of the church. The last part has the history of Napoleon's battle with the Royalists. inscribed:

Histoire de Paris
Eglise Saint-Roch
En 1521 s'élève ici une chapell dite se Saint-Suzanne
ou des Cinq-Plaies. Agrandie en 1577, ell est placée
sous le patronage de saint Roch. Erigée en 1633 en
église paroissiale, Saint-Roch est reconstruite par
Le Mercier, Faute d'argent, le chantier s'éternise
En 1719, le fancier John Law s'y convertit au
catholicisme et fait un don de 100 000 livres qui
permet de terminer la neuf. La façade dessinée
par Robert de Cotte est enfin édifiée, et l'église
consacrée le 10 juillet 1740. Le 5 octobre 1795
(13 Vendémiaire an IV), le général Bonaparte
installe une pièce d'artillerie
dan le cul-de-sac Dauphin
(prolongement de la sud) et
mitraille les insurgés
royalistes massés
sur le marches
de l'église.

History of Paris
Saint-Roch Church
In 1521 stood here the chapel of Saint-Suzanne
of the five wounds. Enlarged in 1577, it is placed
under the patronage of Saint Roch. Erected in 1633 in
Parish Church, Saint-Roch is rebuilt by
Mercier. Due to a lack of money the construction drags.
In 1719, the financier John Law, a convert to
Catholicism, makes a donation of 100,000 books in order
to finish the new (church). The façade, designed
by Robert de Cotte, and the Church is finally built,
on July 10, 1740. On October 5, 1795
(13 Vendémiaire year IV), General Bonaparte
installs a piece of artillery
In the cul-de-sac Dauphin
(extension of the South) and (fires)
shrapnel at insurgent
royalists massed
on the stairs
of the Church.

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