Vintage Smokey Bear Sign
Hopkington, MA
Topic: Smokey Bear Sightings
Quick Description:
This vintage Smokey sign is on display attached to a utility shed at the Hopkington State Park Headqarters, Hopkington, MA.
Long Description:
This old Smokey sign carries the familiar slogan "Remember! Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires". When we spotted this sign on the grounds of the Hopkington State Park Headquarters both my spouse and I recalled the words from the Smokey song from the '50 public service announcements on TV. It went something like this:
Smokey - the Bear, Smokey - the Bear;
A prowlin' and a growlin' and a sniffin' the air;
He can find a fire before it starts to flame;
That is why they call him Smokey;
That is how he got his name.
This old Smokey sign carries the familiar slogan "Remember! Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires". When we spotted this sign on the grounds of the Hopkington State Park Headquarters both my spouse and I recalled the words from the Smokey song from the '50 public service announcements on TV. It went something like this:
Smokey - the Bear, Smokey - the Bear;
A prowlin' and a growlin' and a sniffin' the air;
He can find a fire before it starts to flame;
That is why they call him Smokey;
That is how he got his name.
I have a vintage 6ft plus tin smokey the bear sign does anyone know what it's worth